About Me

From Rotary Youth Exchange Student to Montclair-Graz Sister City Scholarship Award Recipient

2019 Győr, Hungary | 2023 Newark Airport NJ | 2023 Montclair State NJ

Hello reader, my name is Bailey Dunn! This blog is to encourage all students to study abroad, help them answer any questions they may have about the process (paperwork to plane and everything in between), and document the experience! Before you join me for the adventure though, here is a short introduction.

I am an undergraduate student at Montclair State University double majoring in German and Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies and minoring in Creative Writing (hence the blog). I am recently one of the 2023-2024 Montclair-Graz Sister City Scholarship recipients, which means I am currently studying in Graz Austria at the University of Graz for the 2023-2024 academic school year. However, my passion of cultural exchange started long before that.

In highschool I had the opportunity to live and study in Hungary for 2018-2019 school year as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. More recently I have also had the opportunity to live and study Germany in Munich for August 2023; made possible by a scholarship granted by Max Kade Foundation. Although I was interested in language and experiencing cultures outside my own before I lived in Hungary, physically living in another country, meeting people from backgrounds so unlike my own, and interacting with other exchange students from around the world, ignited a new passion for these things in me: to share these experiences.

As you read your way through this blog please feel free to reach out to me with any questions that I may have missed. I may not have all the answers (rarely a sole person does) but maybe I can direct you to someone who can help. You can contact me on the contact page!