Montclair-Graz Sister City Specific Posts

Herzlich Willkommen! Grüẞ Gott!

This page is for made for Montclair State University students interested in applying to the Montclair-Graz Sister City Scholarship or in studying in Graz in general, Montclair students preparing for their exchange in Graz, and Montclair students currently studying in Austria. 

Some posts are more generally about Graz as well, which could be useful for any students studying in Graz, regardless of being a Montclair State student.

Here’s Graz at a glance!  Check out some posts about Montclair-Graz below:

What is the Montclair-Graz Sister City Scholarship?

Price Check: A Comprehensive Breakdown of Pre-Departure and Arrival Expenses

FAQs About Document Acquisition For Graz 

Useful Apps For Austria

Thrifting In Graz